Tayo’s Harmony offers sessions for your beloved pets.
The session for your pet includes:
- Remote Reiki session
- Surrogacy Kinesiology (Clinic or Remote)
Remote Reiki session for your pet:
I have witnessed good results with Reiki for pets.
Reiki can be used in conjunction with all other holistic medical or therapeutic techniques as well as with traditional medical treatments to relieve side effects and promote recovery. Reiki energy can be used not only on a sick or injured pet, it can also be used to prevent any potential illness or ailment or to maintain the general well-being of a pet.
During a Reiki healing session, the dog may become very relaxed and will sometimes fall asleep. Other times, the dog will become revitalised and energised after the session has finished. Each dog will react in a way that the Reiki energy best suits them. A Reiki energy session usually lasts an hour or more. However, the length of the session depends on the energy that the dog needs.
Reiki is an excellent way to help ease the increased stress level your dog may experience at the time of a stressful condition and or situation. Reiki can also help your dog’s overall healing process emotionally and physically from any treatments or surgery.
Another practical use for Reiki is to assist with separation anxiety that a dog may experience when you’re away from home and they’re left at home or boarded away from their home. Some of my clients use my Reiki therapy in this way, even if their dog is doing well otherwise. A side benefit is knowing that your pet is calm and settled while you are travelling which may help you to ease your worried mind.
Providing Reiki on a regular basis for your dog will help your pet to stay healthy emotionally, physically, and spiritually.
What are the benefits of Reiki for Your pets?
The benefits of Reiki may be varied from pet to pet depending on what benefits them the most. Reiki can help:
- Reducing stress and promote relaxation
- Reducing physical and emotional pain
- Boosting their immune system
- Helping to recover after surgery or illnesses.
- Removing emotional or psychological blocks which can be distressing for your pets.
- Enhancing well-being
- Reducing separation anxiety
What To Expect in a Remote Reiki Session For Your Pets.
A session of Reiki for pets is a bit different.
Your beloved pets will not be expected to come to the clinic or hop onto the massage table at Tayo’s Harmony.
They will receive Reiki remotely at wherever they are at the time of the session. They are not expected to do anything during the session and can do whatever they need to do at that time. Reiki will gently transfer into your pets remotely performed by the Reiki master Tayo.
How does a Reiki remote healing session work?
Step 1: Identifying issues your pets have by having a chat with the owner
Step 2: Session on the day of the appointment.
Step 3: Follow up questions and appointments.
I am looking forward to connecting and working with your beloved one!!
Kinesiology Session For Your Pet
Are you wondering if there is something physically and emotionally wrong with your pet?
Whether your pet has a history of some abusive or neglected experiences, shock, or traumatic experiences, these experiences are all stored into your pet and their energy.
Those negative energies can interact physically and emotionally within your pet.
Your beloved pet could be emotionally and physically distressed from whatever causes which may be locked into their body and energy.
Kinesiology may be a helpful technique to find out by using Kinesiology muscle monitoring. The cause of these symptoms can be identified, and Kinesiology techniques can balance the energy of your pet. Then healing begins.
Kinesiology is very safe and gentle for your pet and can work in conjunction with veterinarian care.
How is Kinesiology done on Pets?
When they work with pets, kinesiologists have adapted the chiropractic technique of surrogate muscle testing. This is when the energy of the animal is superimposed onto a surrogate human body for muscle testing.
I will use the owner as the surrogate body and have them hold a piece of the pet’s fur or pet’s belongings as a way of adopting the energy as their own. By using kinesiology techniques, I can differentiate the animal’s energy from that of the owner. I can also switch between the energy of the owner and the animal simultaneously in situations to determine if the stress comes from the owner. This technique is often useful as the issues the pet has may be a part of the owner’s stress.
Surrogate kinesiology on the pet means I will complete the analysis and muscle testing aspects on the owner, and then perform the corrections and rebalancing techniques on the pet itself.
Kinesiology is done on pets through a surrogacy Kinesiology which means that you as the owner, or someone who knows the animal can be balanced on behalf of your pet. Alternatively, if you are unable to come in person you can email me a photo of your pet and I become the surrogate to do remote healing for your pet.
Clinic session:
I will ask you to lie on the table and think about your pet while you hold your pet’s fur or belongings. I will perform the surrogate kinesiology on you on behalf of your pet. First of all, I use your arm muscle as the indicator to confirm that I am working with your pet energetically. Then I will go into your pet’s energy to identify the causes of the stress and balance with various kinesiology techniques.
Remote session:
If you are unable to come to Tayo’s Harmony clinic, I can do a distance session where I become the surrogate and your pets’ energy is transferred to me.
If you can, please send me an email with your pet’s name, birthday, conditions, and a photo of your pet.
Once I have completed the session, I will send you an email about the information gathered in the session.
Let me help your beloved pet to be healthy and shine!