Emotional healing that we offer at Tayo’s Harmony, is based on Metaphysical anatomy technique (MAT)™.
MAT is a trauma release personal development process. During the session I identify key issues that are related to your condition or block, you then feel into the trauma (without reliving it) and the emotion that you would like to resolve, and I do the rest of the work to help you heal.
What is Emotional Healing at Tayo’s Harmony?
Emotional Healing, that we offer here is based on the Metaphysical Anatomy technique ™ which helps people to release trauma for their emotional wellbeing and personal development.
Evette Rose is the founder and author of Metaphysical Anatomy technique™. She believes that trauma (this could include physical, emotional or environmental) is the ultimate cause of human problems which can be physical, emotional and environmental. What makes Metaphysical anatomy technique different than other trauma therapies is that 80% of the time the practitioner does not require the people to talk about their experiences to resolve the trauma. This is because re-experiencing the trauma can make the person to re-traumatise over again. The practitioner focuses on their present emotions, identifying its hidden benefit (known as secondary gain), without discussing the actual traumatic events.
You do not need to explain about traumatic events in the past in order to resolve the trauma, we focus on your actual emotions to resolve the trauma deep within.
What conditions can be helped
According to the metaphysical anatomy technique ™ book volume 2, there are 679 medical conditions that have been identified as a psychosomatic cause of the medical conditions. It is important for the session that you address any medical conditions to find any psychosomatic causes behind them. We will look at what is behind the actual issues or presenting issues right now.
What are the conditions can be benefits with Emotional Healing session?
- 679 medical conditions that have been identified as psychosomatic causes.
- Stress, frustration
- Emotional and physical burnout
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Confusion
- Life enhancement.
- Health concern Much more……
Contact us for more information about your issues and conditions
How does the Emotional Healing session work?
I focus on resolving any unconscious unhealthy attachments that you may have with past traumatic events, people, or emotions during the session.
We start talking about issues and identifying issues that you currently have and set an intention for the session(s).
I take you lightly through into emotions which are stemming out from trauma without you re-experiencing the events. Like I mentioned above with this metaphysical anatomy technique, it is not necessary to re-experience trauma in order to resolve them. I invite you to focus on what I am going to say and be present at the space. That is all you need to do during the sessions. I will help you to immerse into the space and I do rest of work for you to be integrated.
I can arrange a session through Skype or a face to face session.
Please remember to complete the questionnaire prior to the session.
Trauma is not your enemy but it is there for you to resolve and to grow in order to walk into a blessed, bright lifepath that you are about to discover ..
Summary of the session
Step 1: Fill out the questionnaire and send it back to Tayo.
Step 2: You can choose if you would like to do at the clinic or by Zoom.
Step 3: Meet Tayo on the day of your session.
I am looking forward to working with you to walk into a blissful life yet to be discovered.